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Career Development & Information
Career Development assists undergraduate, graduate students and alumni with developing, evaluating, and implementing career and educational decisions. Our staff is here to support students' endeavors toward a rewarding college experience and successful professional growth beyond UW Tacoma.
A range of programs and services that center students’ journeys to and through UW Tacoma. Our programs serve as Student Affairs partners for college access, persistence, and post-graduation success. Career Development, New Student and Family Programs, and First-Generation Student Initiatives work together to develop and deliver systemic innovations that remove barriers, engage students as partners to create an inclusive campus community and equip them for lives and careers that have meaning and impact.
Serves people with disabilities, and those who experience homelessness with opportunities and experiences to fulfill their economic and human potential. Vadis is dedicated to assisting businesses in finding great employees and be a more inclusive employer. Our focus on customer service is your assurance of excellence!