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Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS)
The Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS) started in 2006 with the intent of fostering a thriving community based on Muslim values like spirituality, service, humility, modesty, knowledge, family, unity, harmony, justice, and creating a better society. Since then, we have grown to become the largest Islamic center in the State of Washington, with a diverse community of more than 5,000 families from over 50 countries.
As a mosque, we provide year-round religious services and educational/spiritual programming for Muslims (and those seeking to learn about Islam), as well as addressing the religious needs of the community from birth to celebrating weddings to honoring final rites. We also provide a social hub to build relationships between Muslim individuals, families, and organizations.
But we do more. Much more. From community service to outreach and advocacy, interfaith bridge-building, celebration of culture and the arts, protecting the environment, and beyond. We invite you to learn more about MAPS online, or visit us in person, and become part of our dynamic community!